New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

5. A: Speaking of being in a hurry, I have to get going myself. I'll see you tomorrow!

3. A: Wasn't he looking?

2. A: Don't you hate that? That's like people who push right past you in the street. You know, when it's busy. It can really hurt.

1. A: She Just cut in front of us! It drives me crazy when people do that.

4. A: Well, not quite. I mean, I had a similar thing happen to me, but with a door -and I walked into it!

B: I guess not. Has that ever happened to you -someone walking directly into you?

B: Bye.

B: No way! That happened to my friend Nancy, too. She walked into a glass door and knocked herself out! She was in a hurry and wasn't looking where she was going.

B: I had that happen to me last week. Same thing. This woman in the store just pushed her cart right in front of me. I looked at her, and she was like, "Too bad." She was so rude.

B: I know. That reminds me of the time a guy walked right into me on Main Street. He never even apologized.