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Risk factors

Pharmacological Treatments



Patient Education

Surgical treatments

Nonpharmacological Treatments

Signs & symptoms

Pulmonary function studies, Spirometry (evaluates airflow obstruction), ABGs

Bullectomy, Lung Volume Reduction Surgery, Lung Transplant

Environmental exposures & host factors, Smoking, Secondhand smoke, Genetic makeup (alpha1-antitrypsin)/Predisposed to COPD, Age

Bronchodilators, Corticosteroids, Vaccines (influenza, pneumococcal)

Breathing exercises, Activity pacing, Self-care activities, Physical conditioning, Nutritional therapy, Coping measures

Impaired oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange results from destruction of walls of overdistended alveoli

Chronic cough, Sputum production Dyspnea, Use of accessory muscles, Respiratory insufficiency, Barrel chest, Retraction of supraclavicular fossae on inspiration, Musculoskeletal wasting, Metabolic syndrome, Depression

Avoid smoking & environmental irritants, Identify cause, Oxygen therapy, Pulmonary Rehab

Respiratory insufficiency, Respiratory failure