New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Upon receipt of the Assessment ____________________ ____________________ Hospitalized task , the Complete Care manager will outreach the admitting facility discharge planner within ____________________ business days . To document the outreach , the care manager will select ____________________ as the ____________________ for contact . The care manager will document a summary of the discussion in an Interdisciplinary Team ( ICT ) ____________________ . The discussion summary must include the name of the person speaking with the care manager , contact number , details of any discharge ____________________ , and potential discharge ____________________ .

The discharge planner confirms discharge is scheduled for Monday , 3 / 15 / 2021 . The care manager must contact the member within ____________________ days ____________________ - discharge . Care managers are aware they must initiate a total of ____________________ outreach ____________________ within ____________________ business days post - discharge ____________________ . On Thursday , 3 / 18 / 21 , the care manager made successful contact with the member .

The care manager must ____________________ the care plan to include at minimum ____________________ PGA specific to Transition of Care / ER , document the conversation and care plan ____________________ toward goals in the care plan note , and educate the member on ____________________ management and red flags .

To meet the minimum Quality Assurance , the care manager must ensure the care plan note states the ____________________ for admission , ONE Transition of Care ____________________ must relate to the ____________________ diagnosis in a SMART Goal format , and the PGAs in ____________________ must match the PGAs in ____________________ .

The care manager must remember to complete and document if the member was assessed for a ____________________ ____________________ in condition .