New Activity
Play Quiz
1.  []
to copy again
2.  []
to cycle through manufacturing again
3.  []
to fill up again
4.  []
to open (not close) a button
5.  []
to go back over a path that was already made
6.  []
not giving everyone what they need to succeed (unevenly giving out)
7.  []
to look at something again
8.  []
to make something over again (or fix up a house)
9.  []
to take the outer covering off of something (like a present)
10.  []
to think about more than just yourself
11.  []
not a positive mood
12.  []
take things out of a container
13.  []
take something back to where it belongs
14.  []
not the same amount
15.  []
not nice
16.  []
to get to the end again
17.  []
to write again
18.  []
to take again
19.  []
not level
20.  []
not scrambled (if eggs), not losing (if a racer)