How do I create my online Quiz?
To create your Quiz, simply give a title to Ray, your AI assistant. Ray will generate questions and answers for the Quiz based on the subject you specify. You can review and make changes before publishing it. Ray can also create your game from a piece of text.
Alternatively, if you prefer to create the game manually, you can skip Ray and introduce the questions and answers yourself.
Can I use multimedia files in my Quiz?
Absolutely! Your Quiz creator allows you to include text, videos, audio, pictures, or a combination of them in your questions and answers. You can even incorporate animated gifs.
What type of questions can I create?
You can create multiple-choice questions, where players need to choose one or more answers from a list, as well as written answer questions, where they need to type the answer.
How do I set the correct answer?
Each time you create a new question, by default, the first answer will be marked as the correct one. You can then deselect it and select another one. You can also select more than one correct answer, which automatically enables the 'Multiple selection' option, allowing players to choose more than one answer.
How many questions can a Quiz have?
You can create up to 100 questions. However, only 50 of them will appear in the game. We limit the number of questions to 50 because we cannot guarantee that scores will be saved if players spend more than 30 minutes playing.
Can I create a big pool of questions and have the game randomly select a subset?
Yes, you can create a large repository of, let's say, 50 questions, from which the game will randomly select, for example, 20 each time it is played. You can configure this setting in the 'Options' tab within the editor.
Do the questions and answers appear in order, or randomly?
By default, questions appear in the order you placed them in the editor. However, you can enable the 'Shuffle question order' option in the Options tab of the editor to randomize their order. In multiple-choice questions, answers always appear in a random order.
Can I provide automatic feedback?
Yes. For each question, you can write a piece of text to show your players after they answer incorrectly.
Can I set a time limit?
Yes! You can enable a time limit for each question in the 'Options' tab of the editor. In Exam mode, the time will be multiplied by the number of questions, and it will be the time the player has to submit the entire quiz.
Can I set a limited number of lives?
Yes, you can enable and choose a limited number of lives in the 'Options' tab of the editor in Game mode. Players will lose a life each time they choose or write a wrong answer.
Can I subtract points for each wrong answer?
Yes, in Exam mode, you can define a number of points that are subtracted from the total score for each question answered incorrectly.