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Alphabet Game

Alphabet game maker

Alphabet Game is a type of activity where players answer based on the definition and the letter it contains or starts with.

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How to create an Alphabet game

How do I create my Alphabet game?

To create your Alphabet game, simply give a title to Ray, your AI assistant. Ray will generate definitions based on the subject you specify, along with answers starting with (or containing) each letter of the alphabet. You can review and make any changes before publishing. Ray can also create your game from a piece of text.

If you prefer to create the game manually, you can skip Ray and generate the questions and answers yourself.

Can I edit the letters in the circles?

Yes! By default, you will find a template for alphabet learning games: an ordered list with all the letters of the latin alphabet. However, you can change, add, delete and reorder all of them to create whatever you want, like a circle with the letters of the subject, one with your company name, or one with the name of a loved one.

Can I make Alphabet games with non-latin characters?

Certainly! You have the flexibility to use any characters you want in the circles, providing you with total freedom to create. This means you can make an Arabic Alphabet game, a Greek Alphabet game, a Korean Alphabet game, a Hangul alphabet game, a Hebrew Alphabet game, and more. The possibilities are endless!

Can I use pictures and audio in my Alphabet game?

Absolutely! Your Alphabet game creator allows you to include text, audio, pictures, or a combination of them in your definitions. You can even incorporate animated gifs.

The answer must start with the provided letter, or just contain it?

By default, the option is set so the answer starts with the provided letter. However, sometimes it can be challenging to find words that start with a given letter. That is why you can change this setting in the editor to specify that the answer only needs to contain the provided letter.

Can I add more than one answer as the correct one?

Yes, you can. This is useful for plurals and verb declinations. For instance, you can set both “firefighter” and “firefighters” as correct, or “run” and “running”.

How many letters can my Alphabet game have?

The maximum number of letters allowed in your Alphabet game is 48. You can create a game with as few as 3 letters (for example, EVA). While we believe the game experience is better when the number of letters ranges from 8 to 28, the choice ultimately depends on your specific needs.

Can I set a time limit?

Yes! You can enable a time limit for each letter in the 'Options' tab of the editor. When players skip a letter, the game will save the time left, and it will resume when they reach that letter again.

Can I set a limited number of lives?

Yes, you can enable and choose a limited number of lives in the 'Options' tab of the editor in game mode. Players will lose a life each time they write a wrong answer.

How many Alphabet games can I create with my free Basic Plan?

With your free Basic Plan, you can create as many Alphabet games as you like, and they can be played by an unlimited number of people simultaneously.

How do I share the game?

Once you publish it, you can simply copy the game's link to share or upload it anywhere. You can also copy the embed code and paste it onto your webpage.

Additionally, you can integrate it into your favorite Learning Management System (LMS), such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Moodle, or Canvas.

To do any of these, go to your 'My Activities' section and click on the 'Share' button below the game in question.

Who can access my game?

By default, anyone with the link or those who find the game through our search engine or on Google can access it. However, with an Advanced, Academic, or Commercial Plan, you can make it private, restricting access to the game.

How many people can play the game?

There is no limit on the number of people that can play your games, even if they play simultaneously.

Can I print the game?

Yes, you can print a version of the game tailored for paper format by opening the game and selecting 'Print', or going to your 'My Activities' section and clicking on 'More options/Print'.

Can I download the game?

With an Academic or a Commercial Plan, you can download the game and upload it to your website or preferred Learning Management System (LMS) as a SCORM package.

Are the scores saved?

Yes, the game saves the scores of players who identify themselves before playing. You can access these scores in your Reports section.

Additionally, with an Advanced, Academic or Commercial Plan, you can require identification.

If you integrate the game into your Learning Management System (LMS), the platform's gradebook will automatically save scores with the corresponding names.

Can I customize the appearance of the game?

With an Advanced, an Academic or a Commercial Plan, you can add a background image and display a message to players when they finish the game.

With a Commercial Plan, you can customize the games with your logos and your corporate colors.

Can I get rid of the ads in my games?

Yes, with an Advanced, Academic or Commercial Plan, your players will never see ads when they play your games, and you will also have an ad-free experience when navigating through Educaplay.

In what languages can I create the game?

You can use any character from any alphabet when you create the game.

Additionally, users can access the Educaplay games interface in 23 different languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Turkish, Slovenian, Estonian, Czech, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Aragonese, Asturian and Indonesian.

You can set the language of the game in the Information tab on your editor.

How to play an Alphabet game

How do I play an Alphabet game?

Write the answers based on the definitions and the letter it starts with (or contains), and then press the 'Check' button. If you are not sure about an answer, you can 'Skip' that letter and continue playing with the next one.

To enlarge a picture, simply press on it.

Audios will automatically start playing when the question is loaded. You can pause and resume them using the pause/play buttons.

How do I save my grade?

If you want to save your grade, identify yourself before playing. Tap/click on 'Press here to identify yourself' and enter a Nickname, an invitation code, or log in before starting.

Once you finish the game, your score will be automatically saved, and the author of the game can view it in the Reports section.

If you are logged in as a user or as a guest, you can also view your scores in your own Reports section.

How do I add the points?

You begin with 0 points and can earn up to 100 points depending on the letters you answer correctly.

The total score is divided by the number of letters. For example, if there are 10 letters, each one is worth 10 points.

Do I have a limited number of mistakes?

If the 'Lives' option is enabled, you will indeed have a set number of lives, and you will lose one life with each mistake.

The remaining number of lives would be displayer in the top-left corner of the screen.

Do I have a time limit?

By default, there is no time limit, but the author can turn on the 'Time' option to set a maximum time to complete each question.

The remaining time would be displayed in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

How can I quit the game?

If you are stuck and want to exit the game, press the 'Settings' button, then click 'Quit'. The game will end, and your current score will be saved.

Alphabet Games

created by educaplayers

Google Classroom