Grabación sonora Grupo-3
Ruleta pasapalabra sobre los medios de grabación del sonido
About Alphabet
1º bachillerato
Recommended age: 16 years old
12 times made
Created by

Paola Oliva Castro
Top 10 results
1DANIELA CAMACHO 204:31time100score
2SHEILA Y CELIA 207:40time100score
3julia y lara 213:11time90score
4julia y lara11:31time70score
5JOSE LUIS Y ADRIÁN13:49time70score
6CANDELA Y JUANMA14:25time70score
7LÍA Y SANDRA14:36time70score
8LUCÍA E INÉS12:59time50score
9SHEILA Y CELIA20:43time50score
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