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These days I hardly ever pick a book up. Well, I tend not to pick up a book. I'd rather read a magazine.
There's a lot of literature I haven't read. I've never read Moby Dick, but I'd like to read Moby Dick one day.
I read plays, especially modern plays. My favorite playwright is Arthur Miller. I've read all his plays. His best play is The Crucible. Though you have to see it performed to really get something out of it.
In elementary school, we had to learn poems by heart. At least we were supposed to learn poems by heart.
I read for half an hour in bed every night before I go to sleep. Well, I try to read for half an hour in bed every night.
I can't see the point of going into bookstores to buy print books. I tend not to go into bookstores to buy print books. My books are all downloaded onto a tablet. It's cheaper.
It's beyond me why people don't listen to audio books more. I love autobiographies, and it's a great way to "read," especially long autobiographies. I always get new audio books if I'm able to get them.
I still go to the library to borrow books. The books I get are usually historical novels. They're the best books.